So what's been happening lately?
- Hooked with the high school drama series One Tree Hill. I never knew that American high school students had so much ... angst. I wonder if what the series show really portray real life. If it does, well, it's very disturbing. But I think I can relate to Haley... the disturbed part, not the teen part ...

- Season 3 of Club 650 Volley has started. I'm still with Fusion, Season 2 champion team. Naks! The organizers changed the rules this season: instead of game wins as basis for the standing, they made a point system such that each won set scores 2 points, and each lost set scores 1 point. Each game will only have 3 sets. At the end of the eliminations, the points are added up and the teams are ranked. Then the top 6 teams will go the semis, i think. Anyway, the rules & standings are in this link

- Spanish Film Fest last Oct 3-15. As much as I wanted to watch all the movies, I wasn't able to because of work, we were late and the tickets was sold out, conflict of schedule, i didn't get any invitation to a Barcelona (a Pinoy film set in Barcelona). Oh well, too bad. There's still next year. That is if I'm still here. haha! The only film we were able to see was No Sos Vos, Soy Yo. It was about a man in his midlife, struggling to find happiness and himself after being dumped by his new wife. Bucky liked the movie. It was funny, realistic and not sappy.
- Poker! I finally played my first round of poker last Saturday. Anthony & NiƱa sponsored the game. VC & his friends came to play too. After a while, Tatot & Dino came. After losing 1 round, Dino played again and won. Bucky & I both lost. Well, it was our first poker night. Practice, practice! Another round of poker this friday. Let's see if there's improvement.
- Losing weight. I didn't drastically lose weight, but my slacks aren't too tight anymore. Hurrah! I must've done something right. Have been trying to stay away from "white" food, like rice, bread, pasta, ice cream, crackers, chips & softdrinks. Will try very hard to keep this diet. Pero I've been daydreaming about buffet. Spirals in Westin to be exact.
- Jaja's baby is 2-months old already and she went back to work na. The baby looks like his dad. Undeniable.
- I haven't seen Paula in months, except for that post game 2-hour dinner with her & Jaja at Libis.
- Mac is incommunicado, at least to me. I wonder what he's doing in UK. envy. envy.
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