Quotable Quotes from Grey's Anatomy ... (I so love this series!)

"From now on, you can expect that I’m gonna show even if I yell, even if you yell. Im always gonna show up"
-- Derek to Meredith
"I was right. I swear I really believed what I did was right. I don’t want you to forgive me. Frankly, I’ll find it patronizing if you did because while I know I was right, you think I’m wrong. Which doesn’t matter because I’m in this. I’m in this for the long haul. I’m in this to finish the race. So if it means I don’t win this one, then fine, I don’t win. You win."
-- Christina to Burke

"From now on, you can expect that I’m gonna show even if I yell, even if you yell. Im always gonna show up"
-- Derek to Meredith
"I was right. I swear I really believed what I did was right. I don’t want you to forgive me. Frankly, I’ll find it patronizing if you did because while I know I was right, you think I’m wrong. Which doesn’t matter because I’m in this. I’m in this for the long haul. I’m in this to finish the race. So if it means I don’t win this one, then fine, I don’t win. You win."
-- Christina to Burke