I finally figured how to expand the text width of this frigging blog. It took me so long, thanks to my web page writing illiteracy. Am vowing to start learning HTLM-reading/writing. There's a cheap reference book worth P395 only.
On to some other things...
I'm finally out of the cold-flu zone for this year. Was bedridden for 2 weekends, 2 workdays, and went to office wheezing & sneezing and feeling down right rotten. I couldn't take the day off because I don't want colleagues to think that I always succumb to minor illnesses. Heck, if I can just tell them all to fuck off. While I'm out of the zone, others are just getting into it: Paula, Collie, Bucky (just got well mid-week). I sympathize.
After almost a month after I bought my scanner, I''m almost done scanning all of my college pictures. Here are some samples:
Freshman CERSA Open House


I posted all my college pix at http://admu2000.multiply.com
How I miss the carefree days of college. When the only complications in life included the lack of allowance, where to watch a movie or have a drink or rather drinksss without worrying about the hangover until your head is pounding the next day, the next paper to be submitted, the finals you haven't quite studied for yet miraculously passed, the 730AM classes, your crush, and all those other stuff you took for granted.
If I could go back to college, I would.