Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"It is only prudent never to place complete confidence in that by which we have even once been deceived."
- Rene Descartes (1596-1650), "Meditations"
THE WEDDING DATE Quotable Quotes:


I just... I wanted to say thank you for not outing me in front of Ed.

I want to tell him, just not the night before our wedding.You know, with these things, timing is everything.

You're right. You shouId time it right, so that when he hears that you repeatedIy screwed his best friend,he won't feeI llke the worId is collapsing and there's no escape because you tricked him into marrying you.

- Kat...
- Don't worry. Your wedding wllI be perfect.

Tomorrow I'll say all the right things and you'll deaI with Ed when you're ready.

But right now, tonight, I'm not going to pretend it's OK.


2) ''Every woman has the exact Iove llfe she wants.'' --- by hook or by crook!!!