Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Parties!

I was stressed out last Christmas. I wasn’t complaining that there were too many parties to go to, it’s just hard to get up the next day, especially if the party was held during a weekday. We had one for our group, then for the whole IT, then for the whole Smart. In hindsight, I feel grateful for a very fruitful year with S. The company had been very generous for the past year.

The S&P was surprisingly fun. Our theme was “The Prom”, so we brought our dresses, makeup, and high-heeled shoes. The newbies prepared funny presentations, which bought the house down. There was the prom king & queen awarding and, of course, the exchanging of gifts. I got a wireless mouse & keyboard! The tequila and beer were overflowing. I was to go home with Moby, who was drunk and seriously dressing a crush on Ms. Beautiful. After finding him dozing off at the female’s dressing room, we went home, together with Collie. I found out the day after that he doesn’t remember how he was able to drop Collie and how he got home. Crazy dude.

The IT Xmast Party’s theme was “Rockista”. So there was a competition for best Rockista get-up. Newbies from different IT groups also made “presentations”. Even newbie manager Sir Jay Sulangi, donned on a madonna-inspired outfit! It was fun cheering for our newbies and watching them making a fool of themselves. Hahaha!

Smart Corp xmas party was much funner because of the bonus announcement. Harharhar. IT dept bagged the 2nd place of the Christmas presentations done by the employees. There were celebrities (I had a pix taken with Maverick and James, a hottie ex-Smartee Pinoy Idol contender!) and NLN!

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