"obsession" - ob·ses·sion; Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. A compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion.
in my case, obsession because I still don't have the damn thing. I'm so in love with this camera. It's shock & water proof. Perfect for someone like me who loves the outdoors and the sea.
If I could just convince myself that it's worth buying. NOW NA...
To buy:
1) It's a damn sweet camera!
2) Personal reward for all the hardwork, for swallowing corporate bullshit for the past 6 years . I haven't actually bought something "big" for myself, except for my new cellphone now (which was subsidized, so it doesn't count. hehe.) and shoes. Travels are exempted. "Big" means more than P15K.
3) I can actually spare some dough for this cam.
4) I just want to have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to buy:
1) I don't really need it. Besides, I can borrow VC's camera according to Bucky
2) I can use the money to invest in property.
3) I can share the money with my loved ones (esp Onchie and Bucky)
4) I use the money for travelling
5) I can use the money to save up for a car or a laptop or something else "bigger" that I don't really need.
So I guess, I'm buying it. =D
It's just a matter of When - Around end of June or early July
Where - Singapore c/o Daddyo. If I were to buy it in SG, it's P6K cheaper and the freebies are awesome (extra battery, card reader, extra XD card) worth around P3-5K.
[I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it. I'm buying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
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