why do I only write thoughts of apprehension, doubt, saddness and nostalgia? i am only compelled to blog or write down my thoughts if i'm in a negative state of mind...
maybe because i feel that there is a problem i need to solve. solving a problem entails knowing & understanding what the problem is. my high school teacher said, "understanding the problem is solving half of the problem." how true.
now, what exactly is my problem? the hard part. hmmm...
I feel the need to move. Away from here. Away from where I am now. Where, exactly?
the only thing that keeps me going these days is the trip to Pandan Island come May. i've also launched my diet regimen which will last for a month & 2 weeks: less meat & rice, more fish, veggies, and fruits. and definitely at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity everyday. gym membership comes in handy. i've decided to either jog or swim everyday. easier said than done...
hurray! i finally found a way (and a site!) to host my blog images. (thanks to jaja's blog where i got the website. hehe). after 48 yrs... what a blogger-moron.
some pandan pix:
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