Wednesday, October 16, 2002


I. gotta problem with my DOST scholarship. i opted for Independent Project instead of the real thesis for MS. pukinangina. i'm anticipating that DOST will not allow me to proceed. bitch. If I change my project in mid-year, i might have to extend till May talaga. arg. i would have to search for a thesis topic and do the same hoopla again. arg. arg. well, at least my parents agreed to be my benefactors for next sem if ever i decide to study full time. just hoping that i'll finish the courses next sem and then proceed with thesis subject until 1st sem next year. arg. arg.

what i need to do:
1) review IP proposal
2) send to DOST for approval
3) if disapprove, meet them, talk to Ms. Reena, adviser
4) if approve, review timeline of IP, start activities

II. daddyo is moving out soon. no exact date yet. but he's moving out. meaning, bigger rent (until we find new roommate), no ref (!), no more daddyo-stuff (pliers, electrical tape, etc). i wonder if randy is indeed planning to move in with us when he starts studying. also, i wonder when he'll start going to school, yada, yada.

III. Star-shows won't be aired na.

hay ang hirap maging matanda...

at least hindi ako homeless, or jobless, or boyless... (mga pang-kunsuelo de bobo)


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